REQUEST FOR QUOTATION No. 12/2021/POPW 1.4 OF 10/05/2021
Dear Sir/Madam,
PROMATIK Sp. z o.o. Sp. K, applying the market research principle described in the Guidelines on the expenditure eligibility under the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for 2014-2020, invites you to submit offers in the proceedings organised in connection with the implementation of the project “Increase of the market position of PROMATIK through the implementation of the Design Strategy”, co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under Action 1.4 Design for competition, Stage II of the Operational Programme Eastern Poland under the Co-financing Agreement POPW.01.04.00-26-0004/19-00.
The subject of this order is the delivery of permanent components of the visual identification system of PROMATIK and SUZ-I — one set.
Offer submission deadline and place
- The offer should be submitted by e-mail to (in the form of scans of completed and signed documents, e-mail title: “Offer for the components of the visual identification system”), in person or by mail/courier to the registered office of the Ordering Party until 17/05.202. Date as received by the Ordering Party.
- Any offer submitted otherwise in an e-mail containing all documents required in this request shall be submitted in a non-transparent, sealed envelope. The envelope shall be marked with the name and address of the Supplier and text “Offer for the components of the visual identification system”.
- The offers submitted after the deadline and delivered contrary to Sec. 1 and 2 shall not be considered.
Download the full documentation of the proceedings
- ZAPYTANIE OFERTOWE NR 11/2021 Z DNIA 07.05.2021
- Załącznik nr 1 – Wzór formularza ofertowego
- Załącznik nr 2 – Szczegółowy opis przedmiotu zamówienia
- Załącznik nr 3 – Oświadczenie o spełnieniu warunków udziału w postępowaniu
- Załącznik nr 4 – Oświadczenie o braku powiązań osobowych lub kapitałowych z Zamawiającym
- Załącznik nr 5 – Projekt identyfikacji wizualnej firmy
- Klauzula informacyjna RODO
RESULT OF THE PROCEEDINGS No. 11/2021/POPW 1.4 OF 07/05/2021
Dear Sir/Madam,
PROMATIK Sp. z o.o. Sp. K, applying the market research principle described in the Guidelines on the expenditure eligibility under the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for 2014-2020, informs you on the selection of bids in the proceedings organised in connection with the implementation of the project “Increase of the market position of PROMATIK through the implementation of the Design Strategy”, co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under Action 1.4 Design for competition, Stage II of the Operational Programme Eastern Poland under the Co-financing Agreement POPW.01.04.00-26-0004/19-00.
The subject of this order is the delivery of the software design project to the S UZ-I control
Selected entity:
Infonetax spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
Olszewskiego 6, 25-663 Kielce
Tax Identification Number (NIP): 6572736550
Offered net price: PLN 45,000.00
(Completed) REQUEST FOR QUOTATION NO. 11/2021/POPW 1.4 OF 07/05/2021
Dear Sir/Madam,
PROMATIK Sp. z o.o. Sp. K, applying the market research principle described in the Guidelines on the expenditure eligibility under the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for 2014-2020, invites you to submit offers in the proceedings organised in connection with the implementation of the project “Increase of the market position of PROMATIK through the implementation of the Design Strategy”, co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under Action 1.4 Design for competition, Stage II of the Operational Programme Eastern Poland under the Co-financing Agreement POPW.01.04.00-26-0004/19-00.
The subject of this order is the delivery of the software design project to the S UZ-I control
Offer submission deadline and place
- The offer should be submitted by e-mail to (in the form of scans of completed and signed documents, e-mail title: “Offer for the software project”), in person or by mail/courier to the registered office of the Ordering Party until 14/05/202. Date as received by the Ordering Party.
- Any offer submitted otherwise in an e-mail containing all documents required in this request shall be submitted in an non-transparent, sealed envelope. The envelope shall be marked with the name and address of the Supplier and text “Offer for the software project”.
- The offers submitted after the deadline and delivered contrary to sec. 1 and 2 shall not be considered.
Download the full documentation of the proceedings
- ZAPYTANIE OFERTOWE NR 11/2021 Z DNIA 07.05.2021
- Załącznik nr 1 – Wzór formularza ofertowego
- Załącznik nr 2 – Szczegółowy opis przedmiotu zamówienia
- Załącznik nr 3 – Oświadczenie o spełnieniu warunków udziału w postępowaniu
- Załącznik nr 4 – Oświadczenie o braku powiązań osobowych lub kapitałowych z Zamawiającym
- Klauzula informacyjna RODO
Dear Sir/Madam,
PROMATIK Sp. z o.o. Sp. K, applying the market research principle described in the Guidelines on the expenditure eligibility under the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for 2014-2020, informs you on the selection of bids in the proceedings organised in connection with the implementation of the project “Increase of the market position of PROMATIK through the implementation of the Design Strategy”, co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under Action 1.4 Design for competition, Stage II of the Operational Programme Eastern Poland under the Co-financing Agreement POPW.01.04.00-26-0004/19-00.
The subject of this order is the delivery of a brand new fixed asset — ultrasonic washing unit
Selected entity:
POLSONIC Palczynski Sp. J.
02-293 Warsaw, ul. Gidzińskiego 1b
Tax Identification Number (NIP): 5210090087
Offered net price: PLN 23,700.00
(Completed) REQUEST FOR QUOTATION No. 9/2021/POPW 1.4 OF 23/04/2021
Dear Sir/Madam,
PROMATIK Sp. z o.o. Sp. K, applying the market research principle described in the Guidelines on the expenditure eligibility under the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for 2014-2020, invites you to submit offers in the proceedings organised in connection with the implementation of the project “Increase of the market position of PROMATIK through the implementation of the Design Strategy”, co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under Action 1.4 Design for competition, Stage II of the Operational Programme Eastern Poland under the Co-financing Agreement POPW.01.04.00-26-0004/19-00.
The subject of this order is the delivery of a brand new fixed asset — ultrasonic washing unit
Offer submission deadline and place
- The offer should be submitted by e-mail to (in the form of scans of completed and signed documents, e-mail title: “Offer for the ultrasound washer”), in person or by mail/courier to the registered office of the Ordering Party by 30/04/202. Date as received by the Ordering Party.
Any offer submitted otherwise in an e-mail containing all documents required in this request shall be submitted in a non-transparent, sealed envelope. The envelope shall be marked with the name and address of the Supplier and text “Offer for the ultrasound washer”.
The offers submitted after the deadline and delivered contrary to Sec. 1 and 2 shall not be considered.
The full documentation of the proceedings is available for download below.
Download the full documentation of the proceedings
- ZAPYTANIE OFERTOWE NR 9/2021 Z DNIA 23.04.2021
- Załącznik nr 1 – Wzór formularza ofertowego
- Załącznik nr 2 – Szczegółowy opis przedmiotu zamówienia
- Załącznik nr 3 – Oświadczenie o spełnieniu warunków udziału w postępowaniu
- Załącznik nr 4 – Oświadczenie o braku powiązań osobowych lub kapitałowych z Zamawiającym
- Klauzula informacyjna RODO